Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The singing terrorist misunderstood

STUFF : ODDSTUFF - STORY : New Zealand's leading news and information website :

"'We had gone expecting a bit of escapism in the afternoon. It was meant to be real kids' stuff ... then Osama bin Laden started singing New York, New York. It was unbelievably offensive and inappropriate. There was just a stunned silence.'"
So said a Mt. Eden, NZ, parent who had taken his two pre-schoolers to what was billed as a children's play put on as a fundraiser for child-related charities.

The report notes that the actor dressed as UBL came out into the crowd after the show to sign autographs - "Love, Osama." The director is surprised about the furor. He put UBL in a similar role two years ago, but then he wanted to be Britney Spears rather than Frank Sinatra - and no one complained. Maybe the director should try reading the lyrics to New York, New York ("city that never sleeeps," "longing to stray right to the heart of it," etc.) to understand why it might have unfortunate associations, even for some Kiwis.


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