Sunday, December 05, 2004

DA in PA sets up PAC to fight illegal immigration - Morganelli's fight against illegal immigrants heats up :
"Morganelli's tough stance against illegal immigrants has had a chilling effect in the Latino community, said Sis-Obed Torres Cordero, director of the Council of Spanish Speaking Organizations of the Lehigh Valley, Bethlehem.
'''With all due respect to Mr. Morganelli,' Cordero said, 'the urban legend out there is that Mr. Morganelli is anti-Latino, anti-immigrant. And they feel, even victims, because they are undocumented, they cannot trust him or his office to prosecute wrongdoers when they are the victims of wrongdoing. They feel they are going to be penalized when they are undocumented.'
"Katherine Culleton, an immigration attorney for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, said Morganelli's PAC is one of a half-dozen around the country characterized by civil rights groups as anti-immigrant."

Kudos to Northampton County District Attorney John Morganelli. He has started a new PAC and website dedicated to advocating strong enforcement of immigration laws and supporting candidates who will make this issue a priority. Among the statistics on his website, these are particularly striking:
400,000 aliens who are here illegally, have been convicted of crimes while here, and have been given deportation orders, are fugitives - we not only have not deported them, our government doesn't even know where they are.
An illegal in Houston was repeatedly encountered by police for driver license and insurance violations, but a local "sanctuary" policy prevented them from notifying federal authorities. In March of this year that man and a companion raped and murdered three women in Houston.
Tony Zeppetella, a California police officer with a wife and a baby, was murdered in August 2004 by an illegal with a record of four felony convictions who had already been deported at least once.
Just the cost to state and local governments for incarcerating illegals who commit crimes here is estimated at $2 billion per year.
In addition, illegals may comprise as much as 25% of the federal prison population. (This would be another $1-2 billion.)

Notice how the opposition protrays Morganelli - he is a law enforcement officer asking that the laws be enforced and for that he is accused of victimizing immigrant communities. He opposes illlegal immigration and they say he is against immigrants. Yet, he does not call his opponents pro-criminal. This is typical of the rhetorical inequity that attends most hot-button political issues today.

Here's the link to the website for Morganelli's PAC:
Us Securing America PAC


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