Saturday, December 04, 2004

Dangerous Food Supplies

WorldNetDaily: Thompson quits HHS with ominous warning :
"Thompson said much more needs to be done to protect food imports, noting he worries 'every single night' about food poisoning."

Secretary Tommy Thompson raised a legitimate question and the response from the president was not very reassuring. But, we are being poisoned already on a regular basis by imports of fruits and vegetables from Mexico. If you are squeamish, stop reading now.

Ready? Mexican farmers, like most of their third world colleagues, routinely apply untreated human waste to their crops. Washing is critical and so is thorough cooking (which almost no one does, because most of the foods we are talking about are seasonal fruits or salad ingredients). But those guidelines must extend to all fresh produce in the supermarket because of cross-contamination from Mexican or other third world imports and other produce in our stores.

People do get sick from things like Mexican strawberries, but you seldom hear about it unless its in your town. Why? No one is going to get promoted or win awards in journalism by going against the prevailing liberal view that everything possible must be done to build up places like Mexico no matter how much it harms the US; besides, just telling the story makes one vulnerable to a charge of racism.


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