Sunday, May 27, 2007

Global warming hysteria penalizes developing nations

.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.:
"But the most verifiable threat to the recreation and travel industry is the unintended consequences of misguided government policy and environmental activists. The chilling effect of guilt that the climate alarmists are attempting to instill in Americans for owning four wheel drive vehicles, flying in an airplane and enjoying travel is enough to harm the industry."

So said Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-OK), ranking minority member at a recent hearing of the environment and public works committee on global warming in relation to the recreation industry. He pointed out that global warming alarmists are attacking not just Americans driving SUVs and RVs, but air travel, even that for very trendy eco-tourism.

Eco-tourism is a significant part of the tourist industry for many poor nations that depend heavily on tourism to earn hard currencies. As. Sen Inhofe mentioned, one such nation is Kenya where tourism is the leading foreign exchange earning industry. And, Kenya's second largest source of foreign exchange - horticulture exports to Europe - has now been hit by the announcement of UK supermarket chain Tesco that it will reduce its offerings of air freighted products by half.


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