Friday, February 03, 2006

More on jihad in Europe

Van Gogh Murderer: Prophet Justifies My Deed:

"'When you compare me to Osama Bin Laden, you are seriously wronging him and giving me too much honour that I do not deserve,' [Theo Van Gogh's murderer Mohammed] Bouyeri said to the Public Prosecutor (OM). 'But the fact that you see me as the black standard-bearer of Islam in Europe fills me with honour, pride and happiness.'
"[Publicist and law philosopher Afshin] Ellian said yesterday he regretted the fact that Bouyeri's plea was not broadcast on television or radio - the court did not allow this. 'Everything is about violence for him. (...) The one million Muslims (in the Netherlands) should be confronted with him. Then they can make a choice themselves.'"

Bouyeri's comment was made in conjunction with an official inquiry into whether the organization Hofstad, of which he is said to be the leader, should be officially designated as a terrorist enterprise.

The story also reminds us that Bouyeri was born in the Netherlands. If this is how assimilation works in ultra-liberal Holland, it is no wonder that riots have periodically convulsed immigrant communities in the UK, France, Belgium, Denmark, and elsewhere.


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