Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Expanded border fence must be a good idea, Mexican officials condemn it

Journal Advocate - Top Story:

"[Luis Ernesto Derbez] Mexico's foreign secretary Monday leveled his country's sharpest criticism yet at U.S. proposal for a fence along parts of its southern border, condemning it as 'stupid' and 'underhanded.'
"Reacting Sunday to the bill's approval, Mexican President Vicente Fox said 'this wall is shameful,' and called the plan hypocritical for a country made up of immigrants."

The irony of President Fox's statement is striking. He leads a country which goes to considerable effort to prevent illegal immigration across its own southern border by people who look a whole lot more like the average Mexican than he does.

Despite a 239-182 vote in the US House to expand our border fence, increase patrols and reduce employment of illegals, the AP story goes on to note that Secretary Derbez is "confident" that the Senate will not pass the bill.


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