Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Evidence of asymmetrical warfare?

BREITBART.COM - Hacker attacks in US linked to Chinese military: researchers:

"[Alan] Paller [the director of the SANS Institute, an education and research organization focusing on cybersecurity] said the US government strategy appears to be to downplay the attacks, which has not helped the situation.

"'We have a problem that our computer networks have been terribly and deeply penetrated throughout the United States ... and we've been keeping it secret,' he said.

"'The people who benefit from keeping it secret are the attackers.'

"Although Paller said the hackers probably have not obtained classified documents from the Pentagon, which uses a more secure network, it is possible they stole 'extremely sensitive' information."

The Pentagon claims that there are many attempts to compromise Defense Department computer systems daily and that all are foiled. However, some defense contractors appear to be less successful in thwarting attempts to penetrate their sensitive systems. For some interesting background on economic espionage aimed at America, I recommend again War by Other Means by John J. Fialka.


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