Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Me defending a liberal, will wonders never cease?

TCS: Tech Central Station - Feelers vs. Thinkers:

".... Harvard President Larry Summers recently suggested that researchers should look into whether genetics could explain why there are so few women scientists. Feelers immediately condemned him. Summers suggested something intensely painful for some feminists to hear. His feeler critics assumed that he would put them though such an emotional ordeal only if he hated them. For feelers Summers' comments were so horrible in part because deep down these feminists probably think there might be a genetic cause for the dearth of female scientists."

In the forum for comments on this article, I defend President Summers from a knee-jerk liberal attack on his intellectual integrity. The article itself is a bit uneven, but the topic - how feelings trump logic in much public debate - is important. Scroll to the bottom to find the link to the comments page and look for my name.


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