Monday, October 03, 2005

Don't like Halliburton getting paid to rebuild N.O.? How about Punj Lloyd?

US asks Indian cos to rebuild New Orleans :

"In the aftermath of devastation by Hurricane Katrina, the US administration has announced a $200 billion reconstruction package. And several Indian companies like Punj Lloyd have been approached to facilitate the reconstruction."

Punj Lloyd, according to its website, was formed in 1982. With headquarters in New Delhi and 13 other offices in London, the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf, and Asia, it is a major player in the global engineering and construction industry. Their plans to get a piece of the Katrina/Rita reconstruction pie depend partly on getting a waiver of US visa restrictions to bring in enough of their key personnel.

I suppose the left will prefer this to letting contracts to outfits like Halliburton whose executives may have contributed to Republican candidates they don't like. All I care about is where firms getting these rich contracts are going to be paying taxes.


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