Saturday, November 20, 2004

The EU just don't get it

EU officials implore new immigrants to learn 'European values' :
"The EU ministers also set out a list of 11 nonbinding guidelines for governments and immigrant communities, including accepting basic European values, providing employment and education, knowledge of the local language, culture and history, and open access to local health care and other public services."

They couldn't agree on having a reference to Chrisitianity in the new European constitution even though without Christianity the idea of Europe would never have emerged at all. So, how are they going to integrate these mostly Muslim immigrant communities when they can't figure what they want to integrate them into.

And, look at that quote above - "access to local health care and other public services" - as if that had something to do with the utterly incompatible ideas which the Muslim immigrant communities have about the relation of religion and state, the status of women, free speech, and other aspects of human rights. As long as EU bureaucrats spout this sort of nonsense they will not make any progress in addressing the real problems they have with the growth of Muslim immigration.


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