Thursday, November 18, 2004

British vs. American Values

British vs. American Values:
“Iraq is not a war about freedom, but about oil,” said Blake [a student at Oxford University].

What a ridiculous canard that is. I'm old enough to remember an earlier generation of students spouting the line that the US was only in Vietnam to steal their oil. Well, we've been gone from Vietnam for three decades and there still hasn't been any rush to develop its alleged oil.

There's more to this story, in fact the oil reference is tangential to the larger point that the Brits resent our role in ending their once-great empire. Things weren't even that cordial in WW2. The Brits had a saying, "There's three things wrong with the Yanks. They're overpaid; they're oversexed; and they're over here." I guess they would have preferred German houseguests who would not have left when the war ended.


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