Tuesday, October 19, 2004

There's no place like home ... on Election Day

Jacob Sullum writing in Reason makes the case for staying home on November 2, or voting Libertarian to no discernible effect. Along the way he mentions quotes GMU law prof Ilya Somin: "Acquiring significant amounts of political knowledge for the purpose of becoming a more informed voter is, in most situations, simply irrational." That from a paper for the Cato Institute. I don't know how much it cost for Somin to figure this out, but I have been saying it for over 30 years. You can read Sullum's piece here - Reason: Knowledge Problems: If voters paid attention, maybe they'd never make up their minds - but I urge you to read Pat Buchanan's reluctant endorsement of Bush (link in an earlier entry) before joining Sullum in his new version of the front porch campaign.


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