Sunday, December 19, 2004

Sex beats baseball in DC
"... WTOP Radio has learned up to 20 percent of the $50,000 came from Robert Siegel, an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner whose business would have to move to make way for the stadium.
"Siegel is a major landowner on the South Capitol stadium site, an area that Siegel calls 'D.C.'s unofficial Red Light district.'
"He owns 11 properties, several of which house gay nightclubs. He also owns a gay porn shop and adult theaters."

The most remarkable thing about this story is that a pornographer, some environmentalists and a few other folks with less than a $100,000 stopped the great stadium boondoggle in its tracks. Now that the City Council has balked, Major League Baseball has announced that the plan to bring the former Montreal Expos to DC is dead and the store selling MLB licensed sportswear and collectibles for the Washington Nationals has been closed.

Other contestants are now back in the hunt including a group who wants the team to play in the Virginia suburbs of DC. I hate baseball as much as the next guy, so why is it that so many chamber of commerce types and politicians think people ought to be paying higher taxes for the privilege of having a baseball team playing in their town at ticket prices they can't afford? If it's going to be a taxpayer-subsidized business, the games ought to be free for the locals.


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