Monday, December 13, 2004

Russia and China plan joint military exercise next year

My Way News:
"They are partners of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization, formed to combat what they consider the common threat of Islamic extremism and separatism. The other members are the former Soviet republics of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan."

In case you were wondering what China does with all those dollars they get from filling up the shelves at WalMart, Target, etc., the answer is that they spend about $2 Billion per year buying everything from Sukhoi-27 fighter aircraft to Sovremeny class destroyers from the Russians. When war comes over Taiwan, you will be proud to know that Americans paid for the destruction of the last vestige of free China.

How ironic this all is. The US got itself into war with Japan largely over our defense of China. The Chinese Empire was overthrown by Sun Yat-Sen who founded the Republic of China in 1911. When Mao Tse-Tung, backed by Stalin and the Comintern, launched the communist civil war against the Republic of China in the 1920s, the Japanese stepped up their efforts to seize coice bits of China. The Chinese government was fighting both the Japanese and the communists who seldom fought each other. The US claimed to support an independent China and that determined the Japanese on the necessity to attack the US.

Once we were into the war and the Soviets became our "ally" the US subtly shifted to support for the communists in China. For example, Roosevelt and Churchill made a show of meeting with Chiang Kai-Shek at Cairo for a photo-op, then flew on to Yalta where Stalin presented the post-war concessions he demanded for his cooperation against Germany. The US and Britain supplied Chiang with just enough materiel to keep a large body of Japanese troops pinned down in China, while Stalin and the Japanese maintained their non-aggression pact.

Stalin maintained he could do nothing in Asia until the European war was concluded, which happened in May 1945. Stalin still continued to respect the Soviet-Japanese non-aggression treaty until after we dropped the first A-bomb on Hiroshima in August. Stalin then declared war on Japan and demanded that the Soviets, not the Republic of China or any of the allies who had actually fought against Japan, accept the surrender of Japanese troops in Manchuria and North Korea. Captured Japanese arms were then turned over to Mao to make the final push to win the civil war.

Meanwhile, the US government slowed aid to the Republic of China to a trickle, claimed that the US was the friend of the Chinese people and not committed to support the government which had fought on the same side in the war. Talks were held with Mao and the US urged compromise and power-sharing which are always mere ruses by the communists. Then we even withdrew the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction from the mainland. Even when Chiang had evacuated government forces from the mainland, we offered no help in holding on to Hainan. Once the Republic of China was limited to the island of Formosa, there was no longer any serious hope of returning to the mainland.

It was at this point that the Reds claimed the right to occupy Tibet (so did the Republic of China) and Tibet's pleas to Britain as the suzerain power over Tibet by longstanding treaty and to the UN were rejected. Seeing no backbone in the West, the Reds gave the green light to Kim Il-Sung to attack South Korea. Over 50,000 Americans plus thousands more Brits, Aussies, Turks and others were killed in the ensuing conflict which saw the eventual use of about three million Chinese soldiers and laborers on the communist side. It would have been a lot cheaper in American lives and treasure to have stood by the Republic of China and said "no" to Stalin.


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