Sunday, November 20, 2005

Curiouser and curiouser

BREITBART.COM - Just The News:

"Rice's successor, Stephen Hadley, would not say if he were Woodward's source. But Hadley volunteered on Friday that some administration officials say he's not the leaker."

Just when you thought the interminable investigation into the apparently legal but arguably inappropriate "outing" of CIA analyst Valerie Plame couldn't get any stranger, here comes another baffling wrinkle in the case.


At Sun Nov 20, 02:41:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Richard Armitage, perhaps. (, someone at State doing something which reflects adversely on the Bush administration and then not "fessing up" when the cow paddies began to hit the wind turbine.

At Sun Nov 20, 02:56:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is very interesting that Bob Woodward chose not to involve himself in a $20 million federal investigation in which he was arguably involved up to his smirk because it would have "inconvenienced" him. I thought he was an ardent advocate of the public's right to know.

I suspect that Scooter Libby has been far more inconvenienced.

I also suspect that Vice President Cheney continues to be further inconvenienced by the absence of his chief aid.

I also suspect that the taxpayers will be further "inconvenienced" to the tune of several more $millions.

If Woodward was the first conduit, DOJ should offer him the opportunity to pay for the costs of the investigations. That might represent a real inconvenience, which wouldn't bother me a bit.

At Mon Nov 21, 03:19:00 PM EST, Blogger J. Keen Holland said...


Thanks for the link to the story about Armitage and Woodward. A year ago, I made the mistake of saying this would all blow over (see my archives for October 2004) and I was wrong; but I still think there is no "there" there. What a shame if Libby goes to jail when he wasn't the source and it wasn't a crime.

At Mon Nov 21, 04:03:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The answer to the question:"Who outed Valerie Plame?" Joe Wilson.

At Tue Nov 22, 02:25:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agree: Wilson is apparently the one most to blame!

Initially, I thought when Fitzgerald announced the indictment of Libby, that he had done a good job.

Alas, I then began to read about things I'd never heard previously. My fault or that of the MSM???

Why didn't we hear more about Fitzgerald's "prosecutorial misconduct" previously? I can understand it not coming from the Dim-ocrat MSM arm, but I'd not seen it mentioned among the conservative/libertarian blogs, news sites, etc. that I routinely read.

Perhaps Fitzgerald (and other special prosecuters) are simply being paid too much. Thus, from personal motive they want the golden goose to continue laying eggs for their perks.

But, then . . . neither Dim-ocrats nor RINOs are interested in cutting any funds to anyone!

At Tue Nov 22, 10:40:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A suggestion. Let's stop the "MSM" stuff.

What is commonly referred to as the "MSM" is, in fact, the left tributary media (LTM). They may well represent the mainstream of the left tributary, on average.

At Wed Nov 23, 11:35:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wilson again; and, it appears that Valerie was complicit, as well as in violation of CIA rules.

The thick plottens!

At Thu Nov 24, 08:09:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inside the Beltway
By John McCaslin
November 24, 2005

Carved 'Scooter'
"Don't let George Bush pardon this turkey."
-- Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, referring to Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, and rumors buzzing around Washington that the president will pardon him and others involved in the CIA leak case.

Gee, I wonder who might have started those rumors in the first place. Harry Reid, perhaps? That is one sure way to have a rumor handy to comment upon!


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