Saturday, September 10, 2005

PASS CHRISTIAN: Mayor incommunicado

KRT Wire | 09/07/2005 | PASS CHRISTIAN: Mayor incommunicado:

"There are only two points of access in and out of the Pass: Menge and Espy avenues. They are only letting in electrical crews, emergency personnel. Otherwise, residents who wish to check their homes must be accompanied by a FEMA representative or an insurance agent or adjuster.

"People still living in the city as of Sept. 5 will be the only residents allowed to stay in the city after dark."

The board of aldermen and city attorney have been struggling to keep local government functioning while the mayor has been mostly missing in action. I suppose that means the mayor will be one of those residents not allowed to spend the night in the city.

Makes you wonder if maybe those people refusing to leave their homes in places like N.O. weren't just being paranoid when they feared they might not be able to return.


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