Saturday, November 13, 2004

Satire is punished harshly at UNH

WorldNetDaily: Student evicted for satirical flier :
"He was sentenced to expulsion from student housing, given extended disciplinary probation, required to meet with a psychological counselor to discuss his 'decisions, actions, and reflections' and made to write a 3000-word reflection paper about the counseling session."

This was the punishment meted out to sophomore Timothy Garneau who "was charged with offensiveness including 'acts of dishonesty,' violation of 'affirmative action' policies, 'harassment' and 'conduct which is disorderly, lewd.'"

The male student in question suggested in a satirical flier posted in his highrise dormitory that overcrowding on elevators could be alleviated and the "Freshman 15" [the alleged typical weight gain of freshman women at UNH; at Kutztown (PA) U they say it's 20 pounds] avoided if women would use the stairs.

Thus the modern, progressive university in America deals with a budding Jonathan Swift while trampling on the First Amendment.

A rightwing civil rights group stepped in to help and the punishment was substantially reduced - Mr. Garneau will not have to finish his education living out of his car, for example - but the conviction was upheld in principle.


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