Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Dream girl

New York Post Online Edition: news:
"A bad dream that her father had lost his bid for re-election pushed privacy-conscious First Daughter Jenna Bush out on the campaign trial, Laura Bush reveals in a new interview.
"The University of Texas graduate had the premonition at some point during her senior year and decided she couldn't just stand by as her father ran for a second term, the first lady told Newsweek magazine. "It was very moving to George," Laura said.
"Soon after her nightmare, Jenna and her sister, Barbara, came along on one of Bush's campaign bus trips and contributed some much-needed humor to their dad's grueling re-election bid.
"To Bush's delight, his daughters would read aloud signs criticizing him. Passing a sign that read "You suck," the three could barely control their laughter, Newsweek reports."

Nice they could share a laugh over that. Not like the reaction of Nixon (played by Dan Hedaya) at the end of the movie Dick as his chopper passes over a residential neighborhood on his way into exile and the teen girls (played by the always stunning Kirsten Dunst and Michelle Williams) who walked his dog and fed incriminating info to Woodward and Bernstein hold up a red, white and blue banner saying "You Suck, Dick! Love, Deep Throat." (It's not a great movie, but any movie in which you can see Kirsten Dunst is worth seeing more than once. Much better is Get Over It in which her singing almost matches her beauty.)

As for Jenna's dream, I don't set too much stock in dreams. Most of mine, the few I can remember at all, make absolutely no sense. But, in a way, I'm glad she had it. Whether it helped win the race or not, and it couldn't hurt, anything that gives us more opportunities to see more of Jenna is a good thing in my book. Hope her dad has those magic cufflinks ready for the Inaugural Ball. Where can I get a ticket?


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