Thursday, October 21, 2004

Terror in Honduras? What do you call 20 beheadings?

In an article long on quotes from police and security officials in other countries downplaying the claims of the Honduran security minister - Honduran Official: Al-Qaida Recruits Central American Gangs - we find this interesting nugget:
"Idiots, the end of the world is approaching."

This was the text of a note left on the body of someone beheaded in Honduras. The beheadings - 20 so far at a rate of about one month - are a new tactic by which street gangs are fighting back against the government. Another note pinned to a body promised that police and journalists would be victims in the future.

Consider that note. The end of the world is not something your typical gangbanger is looking forward to. They may not have much faith in a future of progress, but they have found a way to make the present serve their needs and the end ot the world offers no means of profit. Maybe the Islamofascists haven't gotten to Central America yet; and maybe the tone of that note is borrowed for the garden variety Marxism that pervades the whole world; but it sounds like those gangsters are in a receptive mood.


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