Thursday, October 28, 2004

Kerry's cronies at it again, aiding America's enemies

The old Sixties and Seventies anti-war (pro-communist is more like it) crowd that John Kerry associated with on his return from Vietnam (if not before) is at it again - giving aid and comfort to our enemies. Remember when Kerry got out of his active duty commitment to the Navy early to run for Congress in 1970? He changed his mind and became campaign manager for Fr. Robert Drinan's successful campaign.

Here's the story from David Horowitz as it appears on NewsMax,
Softening Us Up for the Kill:

"On Sunday, the New York Times featured a political ad counseling defeatism in Iraq - a counsel that has become commonplace in its pages. The ad was sponsored by an organization called "Church Folks for a Better America," based at Princeton.

"The signatories included the same "church folks" - among them William Sloane Coffin Jr., Robert Drinan and Robert Edgar (National Council of Churches) - who counseled defeat in Indochina, aided the torturers of American POWS in North Vietnam and fronted for the Soviet dictatorship's "nuclear freeze" campaign."

As Horowitz points out, Robert Edgar was one of the architects of the forcible return of Elian Gonzalez to Cuba. A Methodist minister, he was also a Democrat congressman from Pennsylvania.


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