Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Is Peter Jennings just naive, or what? - Politics - Jennings: Media In Glaring Spotlight:
"Jennings said that everyone -- even journalists -- have points of view through which they filter their perception of the news. It could be race, sex or income. But, he said, reporters are ideally trained to be as objective as possible.
'And when we don't think we can be fully objective, to be fair,' the anchorman said."

Does Jennings mean the ideal is that journalists be trained to be as objective as possible, or does he mean that they are so trained in the ideal manner? Either way, his comment either betrays an almost charming naivete about the nature of university education, or a demonstrates a very sly bit of dissimulation.

The idea that the Marxist cranks who control most of academe are doing an ideal job of training their students to be objective is nonsense. If that were so, why would the Columbia School of Journalism, one of the most prestigious training grounds for aspiring reporters, hire a partisan hack like Al Gore to teach? True, Gore had some civilian and military newspaper experience b3efore he entered elective politics about 30 years ago, but I doubt that added up to enough to qualify for a faculty position. They obviously wanted his political POV, not his journalistic CV.

On the other hand, Jennings deserves some credit for at least admitting that there is the potential for bias.


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